Monday, November 26, 2012

fall in Georgia

Anthony's first baptism, Kage (next to Anthony)

Monday, November 19, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

As ya'll may know it's Thanksgiving this week!  So of course the popular topic is gratitude of which I have a few words on too.  The way I think of it is we can never have too much gratitude, right?  Well, don't I think so.  First, I guess you could say there are many things to be grateful for in this life.  One of the things my companion, Elder Lauese, has been bringing up is being grateful for your trials.  Now first I think, when we hear this we think "yah okay, let me do that."  That's because it's hard to think about it in that way as a gift.  I think of it as more of an exciting thing.  As we know the Lord gives us trials to test our faith.  As we know from Nephi 3:7 he always provides a way for us to accomplish these things.  That's the way I look at it when Heavenly Father gives me a hard trial.  All it means is that he believes in me!  He knows I can overcome the trial.  What a great blessing that is to know that He is actually expressing his love and hope in us as he gives us these hurdles to overcome!  Not to mention when we do overcome them.  We do it with a greater knowledge and understanding of something.  So we do gain from trials.  D&C 58:4 tells us after much tribulations comes the blessings.  Now, think about it that way and think to yourself,  is this trial a blessing?  If anything I have just said makes sense, you might find yourself saying yes.  So what do we do next?  We remember this Thanksgiving of the temporal things, of course, to be thankful for, but also don't forget the spiritual things because they are the things to be truly grateful for.  The gospel, the atonement, and the love of our Heavenly Father.  Take the time to think about all He has done for you.  The little things.  His tender mercies as in Nephi 1:20.  Let your heart be filled with gratitude.  I know that as you do that it can change your whole countenance.  It will help you realize blessings.  Others will see that change in you.  Most importantly, your Father in heaven will, and He will bless you beyond measure if you show Him your thanks. I hope ya'll have a Happy Thanksgiving.  Spend a lot of time eating, and a lot of time praying for your blessings.  I thank all ya'll for your support on my mission

Monday, November 5, 2012

In my personal email from Anthony he told me he had his first baptism!  It was Kage, and he said it was awesome and the ward was very supportive.  Pictures will come later.

Here is his email to everyone:

So as you know or may not know, at the beginning of this transfer we got a new mission president.  President Harding.  He hasn't made any dramatic changes, but of course has things for us missionaries to do. A few of them are reading the Book of Mormon in 2 transfers, only study the Book of Mormon and Preach My Gospel, working on Christlike attributes, and the one that I want to talk about today is each night reflecting on the Lords' hand in our work and writing it in our journal.  I thought this might be good with Thanksgiving coming up.
I'll start with realizing that the Lord is there and he extends his hand to us daily.  I guess you could think about this as counting your many blessings, like the song, but I want to address it a little different this time.  A great example in the Book of Mormon is Nephi.  Nephi 7:11-12.  He is telling his brothers and realizes all the Lord has done for him.  Then in verse 12 he says, "the Lord is able to do all things according to his will." Now this morning when I studied this it absolutely changed my thoughts about the Lord's will.  As I read Mosiah 15:7 at the end it says, "the will of his son being swallowed up by the will of his father."  Now that is important.  I never thought about that, and where I was in that process.  Is my will being swallowed up?  Also, how much of a need do I have for my will to be swallowed up?  What if my will is good already?  Well, then I had to catch myself.  I remembered a scripture I read not to long ago concerning the difference between the Father's will and mine.  This is in Isaiah 55:8-9 .... Now this told me what I need to do.  I need to fully submit myself to the Lord.  We all do.  It goes back to conference and Mosiah 3:19.  Being like a child.  The first thing to do is be submissive.  I don't know if I can help anyone, but I hope we will be able to study these scriptures and help ourselves.  Have confidence in the Lord and his will.  Act on promptings from the spirit and submit ourselves unto our Father.  I know that as we do we can experience joy and true happiness.  Through this we can be saved.  I know he is a part of everyones every day life.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Faith to have or to act. (get your scriptures out)
Now, we may be thinking faith?  Why is Elder Alvey talking about faith?  We always hear, and we know what faith is. "It's a little seed.  If planted it will grow." Right?  Well, I'll tell you why I write about faith today. Because of one thing - Moroni 10:21.  Basically, we must have faith to be saved which is right.  It's what we all hear.  It's what we all have, or should I say, what we say we have.  That's what I want to talk about today.  So now I pose the question to ask yourself.  Do I have faith?  Do I  really have faith?  Do I ask on it?  That is what I'm getting at.  We gain faith as we read about it, but how many of us actually exercise it or act on it?  When I came across James 2:24, 26, (I advise you to read all of James 2) It struck me that it is not enough to just have faith.  We clearly must act upon it.  We do this in many ways.  I guess the way I want to talk about it is from an example I had last night.  My companion, Elder Kunzler, is going home.  This is a hard part of his mission.  We are so obedient and good, but sometimes we just feel like nothing is happening.  I could tell he has been having a hard time.  I know that he has faith though, but what I am getting at is he acted on it when he said, "Elder Alvey, can you give me a priesthood blessing?"  Now that is faith.  Going to the Lord for help in a time of need.  Leaving it in the Lord's hands.  I know that faith is the first principle.  Specifically, faith in Christ.  I know that when we are willing to act and submit ourselves to faith in the Lord's will, that's when he is able to bless and answer our prayers. (Moroni 9:37)
So I challenge all to act upon faith.  Have total faith. D&C 6:36.  Doubt not, and I know that as you are able to do these things, the Lord will be able to bless you.  I know these things to be true because I do act on faith and I am blessed.
P.S. Thanks everyone for the love, support, and prayers.  I can truly feel them helping me.  Love you all.  Keep the FAITH! :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Dear Everyone,

Things are great again here in Georgia.  The weather has cooled down just in time for our suit coats to come on.  Elder Kunzler's birthday was Sunday.  I got him a cowboy hat with a bunch of missionary signatures to take home since this is his last transfer.  He was pretty excited, and it's always a good feeling to be able to serve someone with a thoughtful gift.  I also met my new mission president this week, and that's what I want to talk about.  His name is President Harding.  He is in his 40's I think, and from Bountiful, Utah.  We met his wife Sister Harding, and their 9 year old son.  Also his 29 year old son and his wife, and his 24 year old daughter.  He also has a 19 year old son who is in the MTC.  They also have a 21 year old daughter that just got married.  Well, that's a little about him, but I wanted to talk about the Lord's timing in all things big and small.  The reason he didn't come until now was because he was having some health issues.  What happened was he had a football size tumor somewhere in his mid section.  So this is their story as far as I can remember.  He said they got their call and were getting ready to go.  They were going to have their daughters wedding then leave.  At the reception of the wedding, as soon as his daughter left, he got a sharp pain.  He went and laid down and went to sleep.  When he woke up he felt better.  He was laying there thinking and the spirit told him, "you have a large mass in your stomach, but all will be well."  So he thought, okay, and went to the doctor and said, "yeah, I got a mass in my stomach.  The doctor just said okay and they did the scan and test and the doctor came back and said he did, but that they also found spots in his lungs too.  They thought it was a cancer that spread and that is was a small chance of a tumor.  He knew all would be well.  They found out it was only a tumor.  He got it removed, recovered, and then came here where I was able to meet him.  Which oddly was different then when I met President Snow.  The meeting with President Harding felt more different I would say.  Just felt like we had been sent here to work together at the same time.  The Lord put us here together to work, and I know the Lord was waiting until after his daughters wedding for that to happen.  I know he waited for the right time for me to serve.  I know he waited for the right time for me to break my collar bone, and move to Arizona.  I know he has his hands in all things great or small even though it is hard to see at the time.  We need to step back, take a deep breath, and have faith that he has a plan for us.  Which he does!  Then everything will be okay.  As long as you're keeping his commandments and doing all that you can to return to him.  I bear testimony that the Lord has a plan for us, and though our decisions sometimes alter things, he knows what, when, where, and why to do something in order to help us in the long run.  I also know that when we exercise that faith and say, let thy will be done, that he will recognize it and we will receive blessings for that alone.  Like he did with President Harding.  He will send the Holy Ghost as a comforter and as a guide to his plan.  As we listen to the promptings, that may at times seem weird, he will help us.  I know these things are true.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Hey everyone,

Just wanna say, everything is still going awesome!  The work in the area is starting to pick up.  I just got the news this morning that I'll be here another transfer.  The weather has been pretty rainy the last couple of days, but thankfully we have a car so it doesn't stop us any way.  Hope ya'll are all doing well where ever you might be.  So, me and the elders in our ward had a chance to go help at a masonic lodge.  They do a pig roast bbq type thing.  It was real interesting.  The other elders said that's how it is down south. Ha!  I felt so out of place with all the southernese going on.  I wanted to say some things about service and how we should serve others.  We should serve others every chance we get. Like the scriptures say, and I can't quote it directly or have time to look up the verse, but it's when you are in the service of your fellow men that you are only in the service of your God.  So while we were there we made cole slaw, stirred brunswood stew (which is my new favorite) and we made plates to go and filled orders for those staying.  So I guess it was pretty much a fast food restaurant.  I've just got to say there is a certain feeling you get from serving others, and it doesn't have to be for church or someone you know.  I hope each one of you takes the opportunity to serve each time you get to.  I know as we do that we will be blessed.
Love you all.
Elder Alvey

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sorry I didn't get to write you last week.  It's not that it wasn't a good week or anything.  I was just really busy that day.  Just so everyone knows, I'm doing really good.  I can't get over how much I love it out here.  It is just a great place with a lot of different great people.  Lately I've been hearing a lot about missionary work.  Mostly because I'm on my mission, but the ward has been on it a lot this last week.  So this last week I've been learning the importance of missionary work, but as a member not a full time missionary.  We've been meeting with Brother Frazier.  He's a really good guy.  He's been a member for 5 years now.  We've been working on getting him and his wife to the temple.  As we were talking with him he said he wants to be out doing what we do, but he doesn't think he's ready because of work and everything.  I could tell he was really bummed and he mentioned the things he was doing.  He's always talking about the gospel.  He goes to night clubs on open mic night and talks about Jesus.  He's always inviting people to church.  He's so set on helping people feel the way he did.  I told Brother Frazier, "You don't have to wait for a call to be a missionary.  You can always be a missionary.  We just happen to be full time missionaries so we do it all the time."  I told him to just continue what he was doing.  To introduce people to the gospel and invite them to church, and the Lord would bless him for that.  As we left, I just thought, if every member was so set on sharing the gospel as him we may just have that many more members.  We give out a Book of Mormon every week to the ward during priesthood.  An older gentleman took it.  Then after church a young deacon asked me for one so I gave it to him.  I actually had dinner with his family, the Hansens, later that week.  He was excited and told me the story.  The next day in church he was very excited when they asked the older gentleman to report, and he didn't have anything to report, but the deacon did.  I just thought, if he can do it we all should be able to.  It doesn't necessarily have to be a Book of Mormon.  It could be a pass along card, introducing them to the church website, inviting them to church, or to a church activity, and probably the best way is to be an example.  I just know that if we can all take the time and do these things the Lord will bless us.  It is our job as members of the church.  It may not be easy to do some of the things, but if we make it a habit then we will do it without even noticing.  Just because a person turns you or your offer down doesn't mean anything.  That one little thing will have a lasting effect on them and the members of the church. So I challenge everyone who reads this to try it.  Pray about someone you think would benefit or that the Lord may be preparing, and if you don't know any one, pray for someone to come your way.  As you pray, the Lord will answer and be aware.  Be ready because most of the time it's not what we expected, but if you are prepared, by studying and loving the gospel you will be able to share it.  I know there are many blessings that come with sharing the gospel.  I have a true testimony on the happiness it brings to you.  D&C 18:15
So let's not be shy or scared, but bold and confident in our beliefs of the true restored gospel of Jesus Christ and the plan that God has for us.  Do this and you will be blessed!  And your joy will be filled!  I know these things to be true.
I hope everyone is doing well, and continues to do well.  If your not doing well, I hope you start.  I am so thankful for every ones love and support.
Love ya'll